Each person’s greatest room for growth is in the areas of his or her greatest strength.”
~ Donald O. Clifton,
One on one coaching
One on one coaching is a very personal way to recognize your talents and move to action by enabling your natural abilities.
Each conversation you have with a coach brings further clarity, raising your confidence and understanding of the next steps to accomplish what you desire.

Personalized Strength Coaching
1:1 Debrief Top 5 themes
Once you have your Top 5 themes book your 60 mins session to explore your Top 5 themes, what they mean and how they contribute with your unique talents.
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This is a very powerful discussion that aligns a new glossary of terms to your current thinking and invites a mind shift to positive intent and intentional thinking. It is amazing what you learn about you, I highly recommend this session to deepen your understanding of your newly raised awareness.
Personalized Strength Coaching
1:1 Debrief all 34 themes
Once you have all your 34 themes book your 90 mins session to explore what your themes mean and how to contribute with your unique talents.
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This is a very powerful discussion that aligns a new glossary of terms to your current thinking and invites a mind to shift to positive intent and intentional thinking. It is amazing what you learn about you and I highly recommend this session to further your newly raised awareness. This session will also focus on managing your weaknesses vs ignoring them.
5 Session Package
5 specialized coaching sessions designed to further discover what is Right With You and how to put your unique talents into action.
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These sessions focus on you and provide the necessary space to explore through interactive conversations and mindful activities to bring clarity and forward-thinking action. Raising your awareness to a whole new level.