” There is no more effective way to empower people than to see each person in terms of his or her Strengths.” ~ Donald Clifton
People intentionally leading with their STRENGTHS are:
6x’s likely to be engaged at work!
7.8 % more productive in their role!
3x’s as likely to have an excellent quality of life!
6x’s as likely to do what they do best every day!
8x’s more likely to ‘BRING IT’ while doing what they naturally do!

My Approach
As a Humanologist, there are many ways to study behavior that explains why we behave the way we do. Positive psychology embraces what is right with you vs what is wrong and has always been both a fascination and a mission for me in the shift work I do. To move from deficit thinking to positive thinking is the mind shift and I will share information and techniques that will guide you to the balcony of positive intent.
How many times in your life have you been supported, counselled or even encouraged by someone to work harder at something you are clearly not very good at? How many well-intentioned people in your life say they know what is ‘best’ for you? The notion you can be anything you want or what others think you should be is just that, a notion. I would like to invite you to look at your natural abilities and recognize them as your strengths, so you can be the best version of YOU! By allowing yourself to look at your strengths vs your weaknesses I promise your strengths journey will be one of raised awareness and amazement.
If you can imagine what this can do for an individual can you imagine the positive impact it will have on your family, team or organization? The benefits are far reaching from health to personal and job satisfaction. Please give yourself this gift and connect with me today.

Food for Thought
Sharing Thoughts, Ideas and Fun
Coming soon!